Friday, 5 October 2012

Easy as Pie!

So there is one thing I'd like to get clear...I HATE BAKING!...But as a celiac, if I want pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving without spending a fortune I've gotta do it myself. The part I hate most about baking, other than the science of it all is the mess! Rolling pins and floured surfaces? No thanks! Especially as the gluten free flour is expensive already!
My simple solution only involved the pastry mix of your choice, empty wine bottle and a couple long pieces of waxed paper.
First I put the ball of dough on one piece of waxed paper and the placed the other sheet on top. Then I rolled with my wine bottle ( if your dough hasn't been chilled in fridge you could use a chilled vodka bottle?)
After it was all flat I peeled half of the wax paper off. I then placed my pie pan on top of the pastry dough so when I flipped the entire pie surface would be covered. Once covered I pushed all the dough into all the crevices with the waxed paper still on... I still have no mess!!!!
Once everything was pushed in I slowly peeled back the waxed paper and voila! Any parts that didn't come off nicely and smoothly you can merely use scrapings and do patch work but really you shouldn't need to do much if you push in all your dough with no air bubbles! :) Then like ordinary pie crust take a knife and trim your edges :)
Mess Free Pastry*

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